Entwurfsplan mit Grundriss, Ansichten, Beschreibung und Beispielphotos.
Design proposal of the floor plan and as a perspective.
Gartengestaltung mit Kunst in Konstanz.
Terracing with natural stone wall.
Gartenplanung mit Natursteinsitzmauer mit Holzauflage.
Natural stone wall with wooden seat.
Pflanzplanung eines Staudenbeets mit Allium und Echinacea.
Perennial bed.

Garden design for artists

The modern and straightforward design concept allows for the greatest possible division of the small garden area.

The terracing and bordering of the plant patches facilitates and reduces the gardening work and gives the garden a framework, which nevertheless leaves space for naturally spontaneous or intentional development. The spacious terrace as well as the planting and gravel patches can be used as a flexible showcase for art, plants and nature. A new seating bench invites you to linger and allows a completely new view into the garden.

Design: Spring 2017
Start of construction + completion: July / August 2017

Let yourself be inspired and learn more about my work. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail to: sarah.richter@studio-diagonal.de